Church News
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 and 16 July 2023
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Matthew 11:25-30) Today’s reading is made up of the words of Jesus. The initial two verses are addressed to the Father, the remainder addressed to his listeners. Jesus rejoices in those whose hearts are open to receive and to learn. He makes clear that he is the way to the […]
Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 18 and 25 June and 2 July 2023
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Matthew 9:36-10:8) This speech of Jesus’ is known as the Missionary Discourse. The opening words tell us that the motivation of Jesus in his preaching is compassion for those who are lost. This must be our motivation too in offering the good news to others. Jesus selects his twelve apostles. […]
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Pentecost Sunday, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi Sunday 21, 28 May and 4, 11 June 2023
Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:1-11) What does Jesus mean when he says he is glorified? How best can we hold firm to the teaching Jesus has given us? Pray that the Church will be always aware of the prayer of Christ on our behalf. Pray for strong faith which trusts that where Jesus has […]
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A) 30 April, 7 and 14 May
Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:1-10) Today, we are presented with the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. The Risen Lord is ‘the way, the truth and the life’. Jesus comes ‘so that we may have life and have it to the full’. The Easter season is a prolonged celebration of the gift of […]
Easter Sunday, Second Sunday of Easter and Third Sunday of Easter 9, 16 and 23 April 2023
The Resurrection of the Lord (John 20:1-9) Today we read John’s account of the discovery of the empty tomb. Christian faith proclaims: ‘Christ has died! Christ has risen! Christ will come again!’ Without the resurrection, the real rising of Jesus to new life in a transformed and glorified body, there would be no good news […]
Fourth Sunday of Lent 19 March, Fifth Sunday of Lent 26 March and Palm Sunday 2 April 2023
Fourth Sunday of Lent (John 9:1-41) This week we have the story of the man born blind. A story of a journey in faith, which invites us to consider our own journey. The words of Jesus gives us the theme: Jesus is the Light of the World. Like the man born blind, we too have […]