Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 28/29 October 2018

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


On Wednesday this week we begin the month of November. In the Church November is a month when we especially remember the dead. We do this day-by-day as the ‘holy souls box’ is present at the foot of the altar during each Mass, but more especially on 2nd November (Thursday) when we celebrate our All Souls Masses. We also remember the War Dead this month on 11th November (Armistice Day), and, more publicly, on the following day (Remembrance Sunday).


Please place the names of those you wish to be remembered at the November Masses in the ‘holy souls box’. Paper and pencil can be found on the table in church.


November, however, begins with the Solemnity of All Saints – a Holyday of Obligation, a day when all Catholics should be at Mass. There are two All Saints Masses in each of the parishes. Please make a note of the times of these Masses.


May God bless you, and may the souls of your dear departed ones rest in peace.


Frank ofs



Sunday Smile:

Preacher:                      Can everyone hear me at the back?

Voice from the back:      Yes, but I wouldn’t mind changing seats with someone who can’t.