Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
In our first reading today we hear of the mission to evangelise the Samaritans. The Faith is spreading, even to the old enemies of the Jews. This reading (as if we needed reminding) makes it clear that Christ is for all people – there is no distinction between nationalities, cultures, language or skin colour. In Christ all are welcome.
As we draw near to Pentecost it is good to ponder the Holy Spirit. In our Gospel reading the disciples are called to love Jesus. This is a message for us too. We, like the disciples, are called to allow Christ to mould us so that our lives reflect his divine will. It sounds hard. And it would be if it were down to us alone. But in opening ourselves up to be moulded by Christ we are not left on our own – we receive strength and support from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus had been the disciples’ Counsellor/Advocate, in today’s Gospel reading he makes clear to them that when he leaves them another of equal stature replaces him: The Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Truth (“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”). But he now tells them that when he goes he is to send them the “Spirit of Truth” to enable them to build up the Church. This same Spirit is given to us : the ‘age of the Church’ is the era of the Spirit. It is the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church which sanctifies us and gives us the divine power we need for our mission. We pray for ourselves and for our Church that the Holy Spirit may be a living reality and power among us.
May our good and gracious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
Irish Medical Dictionary:
Artery The study of paintings
Bacteria Back door to a cafeteria
Barium What doctors do when patients die
Benign What you be after you are eight
(to be continued)