Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
Many thanks for all your good wishes and offers of prayer. If all goes according to plan, I should have arrived at hospital on Saturday 18th, and be awaiting surgery on Monday 20th. Anne has promised to keep you updated on my progress – I am sure you will keep her in your prayers too.
My grateful thanks go to all those parishioners who will be taking on extra responsibilities whilst I am away. To avoid being accused of invidiousness, I will not attempt to mention them all by name, but forgive me if I single out our Stewards of the Gospel for a special mention: among other things, they will be writing this letter, and preparing our Sunday intercessions. I am also thankful to those priests who will be celebrating our Sunday Masses: Frs Lee Bennett, Bill Nix and Michael Rear.
My thanks also go to Fr Michael Rear (01206 392695) and Mgr Bill Nix (07472 617368) who have kindly offered to deal with pastoral matters, including funerals. Please feel free to contact them direct.
In the case of general parish or administrative matters (both parishes) could you please contact Jane Dunbar in the Parish Office. For all other matters; children’s liturgy, first holy communion preparation, confirmation preparation, sick parishioners, parish ministries etc please contact the usual co-ordinators.
And finally, during my absence, could you please forward all items for inclusion in the Newsletter direct to Jane Dunbar at the Parish Office, 129 Fronks Road, Dovercourt, 01255 503383 or
May God bless you now and always, and keep you in his special care until we meet again.
Fr Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
Remember when priests always wore a soutane (cassock)? One day in that dim and distant past, a priest, off duty and in his ‘civvies’, was queuing at the bus stop. He saw a parishioner approaching: “Ah! Good morning Mrs Brown.” “Oh! It’s you, father,” she replied, “Sorry, I didn’t recognise you with your trousers on.”