Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Second Sunday of Lent (Year B) 28 February 2021

For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….

SPECIAL NEWSLETTER XLIV – keeping in touch


SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR B)                                                                     27/28 February 2021



Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt:             01255 503383

email                       Harwich@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website                   www.harwichcatholics.org.uk

Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea:         01255 674475

email                       Frinton@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website:                  www.frintoncatholicchurch.wordpress.com


Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:

Monday (1st)           (Dovercourt)           9.30am                   Tony Evans RIP (Joy Evans)

Wednesday (3rd)    (Frinton)                  11.00am                  Sr Brendan Mary

                                (Frinton)                  3.30pm                   Receive Denise Butt’s body into church 

Thursday (4th)         (Frinton)                  11.00am                  Denise Butt RIP

(Frinton)                  1.00pm                   Funeral Service:  Denise Butt RIP*

Friday (5th)              (Dovercourt)           9.30am                   William Canning RIP (Maura & family)

Saturday (6th)         (Frinton)                  6.00pm                   Anne Jackson

Sunday (7th)            (Frinton)                  8.30am                   Margaret White

                                (Dovercourt)           10.45am                  Tony Farry RIP (Kathy Farry)

*family and invited guests only (coronavirus restrictions)


In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery.  His Mass intentions are:

Prisoners & their families

Alice McCarthy RIP

The Stewards of our churches

Florence McCarthy RIP

All Parishioners



Fr Frank writes:

My dear friends,

In today’s Gospel we read of how Jesus had an intense experience of the presence of God his Father and heard those affirming words, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved.’  His Father was pleased with him and would provide all the strength he needed to face a dark and threatening future.

All of us need encouragement and affirmation.  During these challenging times I pray that we may each be a source of joy and support to others as we reflect the love and concern of our heavenly Father.

May our loving Father bless you now and always.

Fr Frank


Sunday Mass attendance, February 2021:  27/28 Feb surnames A-D.  Sunday Mass attendance, March 2021:  6/7 March surnames E-K;  13/14 Mar L-R;  20/21 Mar S-Z;  27/28 Mar A-D.  Please note that there are no alphabetical restrictions applied to weekday Masses.


Church Finance:  as you can probably imagine our income has seriously reduced of late.  A good way of continuing to support the church, even on Sundays when you are unable to be present, is to convert your envelope or cash giving to Standing Order.  This is a well-tried method, but it would be helpful if more parishioners could use it, particularly during the Covid-19 Pandemic. All you need do is contact your bank to set up a standing order.  This would normally be a standard payment of a fixed amount each month.  Our bank account details for both parishes are:  Bank, HSBC, Sort Code 40-13-22.  The Account numbers are, for “Catholic Church Harwich & Dovercourt”, 61019767 and for “Catholic Church Frinton on Sea”, 61019643.  Your instructions to your bank should include your surname and the word “Offertory”.  All matters regarding this form of regular giving are kept strictly confidential.  If you have any queries and are a Harwich & Dovercourt parishioner please contact Jane in the Office, if you are a Frinton parishioner, please contact Fr Frank.


You may like to make payments via the diocesan on-line donation facility. For Harwich go to:


for Frinton:  https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/donations?parish=frinton-on-sea


Sunday Smile:  Keep smiling – and if you meet someone without a smile, give them one of yours.