Easter Sunday (John 20:1-9)
The God of love is more powerful than death and sin, and God has shown this in raising Jesus, who became a victim of sin, to the life of the resurrection.
The world is in dire need of news that is true, amid so many messages which are false, undermining and deceptive. True hope lies in the God who raised Jesus from the dead.
Do I appreciate the fundamental significance of the resurrection of Jesus?
Do I have the vision to see the wonders God works in each human life?
We pray for those baptised and those received into the Catholic Church this Easter.
We pray for Christians for whom the cross is a daily and painful reality, that they will know that the risen Christ is at their side.
Second Sunday (John 20:19-31)
Jesus brings the gift of peace and the gift of the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins.
The reluctance of Thomas provokes Jesus’ praise for those who believe without seeing. But Thomas should also be remembered as the one who gives the fullest declaration of faith in Christ found anywhere In the gospels: ‘My Lord and my God!’
Do I treasure the gospel as showing the way to faith and life?
How does the experience of Thomas provide encouragement for believers?
We pray for a deeper appreciation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
We pray for all those plagued by hesitation and doubt.
Third Sunday of Easter (John 21:1-19)
The risen Christ retains his full humanity, including his concern for people in their day-to-day situations, however menial. The offering of bread and fish reminds us of the miracle of the loaves and fishes, which pointed to the Eucharist, the memorial of his cross and resurrection to new life.
Do I realise that in his resurrection Christ retains our humanity in all its ordinariness?
What does this appearance of Jesus teach us?
We pray for an appreciation of God’s involvement in each present moment.
We pray for the courage to let the gospel live through our daily lives.
Fr Adrian Graffy
A Blessed and Peaceful Easter to you and your families. Once again, we can shout out, “Christ is Risen! Alleluia!! Alleluia!!”
May Easter bring the blessings of God’s love to you all. Fr Joseph.