Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Double Edition: Christmas 2016 and the New Year 2017

Fr Frank writes:


This Newsletter comes with my good wishes and prayers for a very happy Christmas and New Year.


This year Anne and I celebrate our second Christmas with you in the two parishes of Harwich & Dovercourt and Frinton & Walton. (Where does time go?)


Once again, for us, it has been a good year and we thank you all for your love, your prayers and your support.


With every blessing,


Fr Frank ofs



A creepy (and crawly) Christmas fact:


Did you know that a live Christmas Tree is home for about 30,000 creepy crawlies, including midges, fleas, lice, spiders and beetles? Cheer up though, most of them die when the tree is brought indoors.