Articles by OLQoH

  1. Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) and Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 20 October and 6 November 2022c

    Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 19:1-10) The story of the chief tax-collector Zacchaeus is of considerable importance in the Gospel of Luke, for in it Jesus declares that the purpose of his coming is ‘to seek out and save what was lost’(verse 10). In climbing the sycamore tree Zacchaeus illustrates that sometimes strenuous efforts […]

  2. 27,28,29 and 30 Sunday Year C 2, 9, 16 and 23 October 2022

    Twenty-Seventh Sunday (Luke 17:5-10) Does faith in God lie at the very heart of my life? Am I content to be a ‘useless servant’? Let us pray for openness to the word of Jesus, especially when they challenge us and perplex us. Let us pray for the gifts of true faith and true love.   […]

  3. 23,24,25 and 26 Sunday in Ordinary Time 4, 11, 18 and 25 September 2022

    Twenty-Third Sunday (Luke 41:25-33) Do I manage to put God above all else in my life? Do I use my intelligence to make decisions about discipleship? Let us pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide our detachment to generosity. Let us pray for the courage in following Jesus to Jerusalem, to the […]

  4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Twenty-First Sunday and Twenty-second Sunday, 14, 21 and 28 August.

    The Assumption of Our Lady (Luke 1:39-56) There is of course no gospel reading which narrates the Assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her sharing body and soul in the risen life of her Son. Mary was the first to respond to the call to serve Christ. The gospel reading demonstrates with what […]

  5. Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth Sundays of the Year – 24, 31 July & 7 August

    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 11:1-13) The overriding theme is the compassion and loving-kindness of the Father. If human beings, prone to sin as they are, know how to care for their children, how much more can we expect from the God who is holy and who bestows the Holy Spirit on receptive souls? […]