Articles by OLQoH
First, Second and Third Sunday of Lent 26 February, 5 and 12 Match 2023
First Sunday of Lent (Matthew 4:1-11) Jesus, filled with the Spirit received at his baptism, is now led by the same Spirit to the place of encounter with the devil. He who was willing to undergo the baptism usually reserved for sinners now submits to the challenge of evil. He who showed solidarity with sinners […]
Fourth and Fifth Sundays in Ordinary Times 29 January and 5 February
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Matthew 5:1-12) Matthew’s gospel is a gospel of teaching. It celebrates Jesus as a great teacher, who surpasses even Moses. The evangelist sets down five major speeches of Jesus in the course of the gospel. And the first is the Sermon on the Mount. The beatitudes of Jesus present a […]
The Baptism of the Lord, Second Sunday and Third Sunday (Year A) 8, 15, 22 January 2023
The Baptism of the Lord (Matthew 3:13-17) This Feast brings the Christmas season to an end. Jesus, although he is sinless, wishes to undergo with the people the baptism of repentance. The baptism of Jesus by John is accompanied by a vision and a voice. Jesus sees the Spirit descend on him. The words addressed […]
4 Sunday of Advent, Nativity of the Lord, Solemnity of Mary 18 and 25 December and 1 January 2023
Fourth Sunday of Advent (Matthew 1:18-24) Like Mary, Joseph too had to listen for the message of God. Like Mary, he too was invited to play his part in the working out of God’s mysterious plan that the Son of God should become man. This gospel reading gives us the basis for our belief in […]
First, Second and Third Sunday of Advent (Year A), 27 November, 4 and 11 December 2022
First Sunday of Advent (Matthew24:37-44) A new liturgical year begins and the season of Advent starts. Traditionally we reflect on the final return of Christ, his ‘second coming’. The fundamental message here is to be ready at all times. The beauty of Advent lies in the sure hope that the Lord will come. In Advent […]