Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 2/3 September 2017

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


In today’s second reading St Paul urges the Christians in Rome (and us too) to offer their living bodies as a holy sacrifice. We are told to offer our whole selves over to God. In offering ourselves in this way we are following Jesus’ example of self-giving – something he did on the cross and something he does each day in the Mass. What greater example could we have?


Our calling is not to come here on Sunday and then go on our way, behaving according to the ‘world’s standards’ at home, in our communities and at work. We are called to be completely his. Our values should be his values – even if they conflict with the prevailing norms or standards in society; even if they conflict with corporate values at work; even if they conflict with the law of the land (in this we are following the example of many great martyrs in Rome, in sixteenth century England, and more recent people of stature, such as Nelson Mandella, who were prepared to say such-and-such a law is a bad law: it is contrary to God’s will).


We are all in need of God’s healing at times in our life. There will be Healing Masses in both parishes this coming week – Wednesday at Frinton and Friday at Dovercourt.


May the God who brings healing bless you now and always.

Frank ofs



Sunday Smile:

Church member to minister: ‘You’ll never know what your sermon meant to me. It was like water to a drowning man.’