Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Second Sunday in Lent (Year A) 12th March 2017

We are now settling into this penitential season of Lent, so we can start to look at ourselves and what we need to do to be better individuals for the Lord. We heard and know about the three main strands we need to follow during Lent, almsgiving, prayer and fasting.

I don’t know about you but I admit I find this way of being difficult at times, when at other times in my life I seem to be able to give, pray and fast, but not all the time! My aim for this Lenten season is to try to be more present to the Holy Spirit so that I can follow these three main strands and endeavour to be a better person – I leave you all to decide what is best for yourselves.

The readings for this Sunday send us enlightenment and give us the opportunity to see the transfigured face of Christ in our world. I wonder how much light we bring into the lives of others just by being there? And, who were the people who enlightened and brighten your lives and souls?

Lent is a wonderful time for reflection and those who attended The Journey on Sunday will vouch for the individual reflections we experienced courtesy of Mike and Jane.

As I said before, we live in times of uncertainty for many reasons outside of our control but the rhythms and traditions of our faith keep us rooted. Even when I get angry when I hear of terrible things that go on in the world I am just grateful that that gentle voice keeps me firmly on the straight and narrow – call it conscience or the Holy Spirit – I pray your voice is gentle on you too.

Please include the Parish, Deanery and Diocese in your prayer life this Lent as our Bishop, Clergy and Stewards of the Gospel work towards planning the future of our Diocese.

May this coming week be full of blessings for us all.


Sheila Wright


Quote for the week: – “Speak about Christ only when you are asked. But live so that people ask about Christ”                                                                               Paul Claudel 1868-1955