Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Epiphany of the Lord 7/8 January 2017

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


The account of the journey of the magi searching for Jesus is an opportunity for us to reflect on our own faith journey. As the magi were guided by a star on their journey, we also have received guidance along the way. We can use this day to recall with gratitude the ‘stars’ we have followed. Who were the people whose example and advice helped us along the way? Who were our companions on the journey? Perhaps we have had experiences that changed us and opened us up to a deeper understanding of the value of faith. We might even be able to say that there was a time in our lives when, like the magi, we found Jesus. Yet, is it not also true that this discovery is never complete? There is always more we can learn about Jesus. We find him again and again each day. We discover him anew in the Mass, in our daily prayer, in one another and in reading the bible. Perhaps there have been times when we have lost our sense of direction in life – when we lost sight of the ‘guiding star’. The magi lost sight of the star too, then found it again after consulting Holy Scripture, and they were ‘filled with delight’ as they were led to Jesus.


Perhaps you could use today as an opportunity to bring to mind the benefits you have experienced from having the Spirit of Jesus as part of your life, and give thanks.


On a personal note, Anne and I would like to thank you all for your greetings, kind words and many gifts received at Christmas. Thank you too for the generous Christmas Offering. You are truly generous people and we are so fortunate to be able to live among you and serve you.

With every blessing.

Fr Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

How did Mary and Joseph know that Jesus was 7lb 6oz when he was born?

They had a weigh in a manger!