Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 31 January 2021


Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt:             01255 503383

email                       Harwich@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website                   www.harwichcatholics.org.uk

Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea:         01255 674475

email                       Frinton@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website:                  www.frintoncatholicchurch.wordpress.com


Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:

Monday (1st)                        (Dovercourt)         9.30am              Fr Bill Howes RIP

The Presentation of the Lord

Tuesday (2nd)                       (Frinton)                9.00am              Peter Jackson RIP

                                                (Dovercourt)         11.00am             The Sick and those who care for them

Thursday (4th)                      (Frinton)                11.00am             St Philomena’s School

Friday (5th)                            (Dovercourt)         9.30am              St Joseph’s School 

Saturday (6th)                       (Frinton)                6.00pm              Denise Butt RIP

Sunday (7th)                          (Frinton)                8.30am              Jack Taylor RIP (Marie Taylor)

                                                (Dovercourt)         10.45am             Anne Emerson RIP (Sheila Davis)


In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery.  His Mass intentions are:

Racial Justice

Alice McCarthy RIP

Florence McCarthy RIP

St Benedict’s School

All Parishioners


Fr Frank writes:

We are now up to Special Newsletter 40 (XL – not in this case Extra Large – the Newsletter is as brief as ever as are our Masses).  When I began producing these special newsletters I viewed them as a temporary stop-gap until things got back to normal.  Many of us are beginning to realise that what will emerge after lockdown and all the other emergency measures is going to be something different from our old way of life, it has been called ‘new normal’.  What it will look and feel like, we cannot tell.  Meantime, we need to show our love and concern for others by masking, distancing and washing/gelling our hands, and, of course, praying for the victims of Coronavirus and for all those who care for them – particularly our NHS Heroes.

On Tuesday we celebrate the Feast of The Presentation of the Lord.  As this ends the Christmas Season (the cribs will be removed after Mass), this is, therefore, a significant day, and Masses will be celebrated in both parishes, Frinton at 9.00am and Dovercourt at 11.00am (I may be a little late at Dovercourt, if so, please be patient…it’s all very weather-dependent).  Normally on this day (also known as Candlemass) we each carry a lighted candle.  In view of the risk of transmitting the virus either through handing out candles or having parishioners rummage through a box this will not happen this year, but I pray that the Light of the World will shine in our hearts as we celebrate Mass together.  Frinton parishioners please note there will be no Mass on Wednesday this week.

May Christ, the Light of the World, bless you now and always.

Frank ofs


Sunday Mass attendance, January 2021: 30/31 Jan, surnames A-D.   Sunday Mass attendance, February 2021:  6/7 Feb E-K;   13/14 Feb L-R;  20/21 Feb S-Z;   27/28 Feb A-D. Please note that there are no alphabetical restrictions applied to weekday Masses.


Sunday Smile:  Two young tourists went into a Quaker guest house in the Lakeland.  As they were strangers the warden approached and asked, “Are you Friends?”.   Back came the reply, “No, we’re married.”