Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Second Sunday of Lent (Tear A) 8 March 2020

Fr Frank writes:


My dear friends,



At the time of writing (3rd March) there are only a few cases in the UK. This may change, in which case the guidance given below will change also.


Efforts in England and Wales at the moment are focused on containment of the virus and the advice so far is written for those circumstances. If this situation changes, detailed guidance will be produced. Our Bishops are keeping this matter under continuous review.


If you suspect that you may have the virus ring 111 – do not go to your surgery.


Our bishops recommend the following within our parishes:

Ensure that we maintain good hygiene especially at Mass and parish gatherings. The public information poster advises:

  • Catch it – sneeze into a tissue
  • Bin it – bin the tissue
  • Kill it – wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol hand gel
  • Do not touch your face unless you have washed your hands.Ministers of the Eucharist should sanitise their hands before and after distributing holy communion.There is no need for the Chalice to be withdrawn or the sign of peace suspended at the moment.When visiting parishioners at home always use alcohol hand gel before and after the visit.No pastoral visits should be made to people who are self-isolating. However, do offer phone support.May God bless you today and always.Frank ofs
  • Anyone with cold or ‘flu symptoms should refrain from the physical sign of peace, taking communion from the chalice and should receive the host in the hand only.

Sunday Smile: The parish priest got a little carried away when praying for the sick: “We must remember Mrs Godson in our prayers who has recently had all her teeth taken out and new gas boiler put in.”