Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
Pope Emeritus Benedict writes: This Sunday’s Gospel, taken from Chapter Fourteen of the Gospel according to St John, gives us an implicit spiritual portrait of the Virgin Mary when Jesus says: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him”. These words are addressed to the disciples but can be applied to a maximum degree precisely to the One who was the first and perfect disciple of Jesus. Mary, in fact, observed first and fully the words of her Son, showing that she loved him not only as a mother, but first of all as a humble and obedient handmaid. For this reason God the Father loved her and the Most Holy Trinity made its dwelling place in her.
ASCENSION DAY: on Wednesday evening (Frinton) and on Thursday (both Parishes) of this week we celebrate THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. This is a Holy Day of Obligation when ALL Catholics should be at Mass.
FOURTH AND FINAL PLEA: Easter ends on the Feast of Pentecost (8/9th June). This is the day when we celebrate the Church of many languages and nations. To emphasise this I would like the readings at Mass that weekend to be in a language other than English. If your first language is not English and you would like to read at one of the Masses that weekend please let me know (preferably by email or by written note). If we have any volunteers for this wonderful task, I promise I shall sign the Eucharistic Prayer using the language of the deaf! But only if we have volunteers!!
May the Risen and Glorified Christ bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
My mother had an aunt of mine staying with her. One day they visited our local parish church and Auntie wanted to sign the visitors’ book. There was no book in evidence but a list containing names and addresses, so they signed that. All was well until the rector called for the deposits for the trip to Oberammergau!