Fr Frank writes:
Advent is a time of watching and waiting. It is a season for making new beginnings – a time when we reflect on our own lives as we anticipate the coming of Christ. In order to help with this there are special events in both parishes this week and next.
There will be a Mass of Healing (i.e. with anointing of the sick) at Frinton and Walton on Wednesday (12th) at 12 noon and at Harwich and Dovercourt on Friday (14th) at 10.00am.
Harwich & Dovercourt: Saturday 15th December 10.00am
Frinton & Walton: Saturday 22nd December 10.00am
Should you wish to do so, there will be three priests present on each occasion to hear individual confessions. Whether you intend to make individual confession or not, please come along to share in this moving act of repentance.
Harwich and Dovercourt: Christmas Eve 6.00pm, Christmas Day 10.45am
Frinton and Walton: Christmas Eve 8.00pm, Christmas Day 8.30am
May Christ, the one we long for, bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
The vicar’s wife was trying hard to open the sauce bottle. During the struggle the phone rang so she asked her 4-year old daughter to answer it. “Mummy can’t come to the phone to talk to you right now. She’s hitting the bottle.’