Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 26/27 August 2017

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


Our Gospel reading today focusses on the response to a question put to the Apostles by Jesus. It is Peter, as undisputed leader, who responds on their behalf.


Peter always comes over as a real human being, warts and all. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that the Evangelists didn’t attempt to cover up the Apostles’ bad side. These were the leaders of the infant Church – you’d think the Gospel writers might have tried to build them up a little, cover up their faults – rather like a modern politician’s image consultant…….politicians who fear being found out, who don’t like to appear to be weak or foolish, who never like to be wrong. But no, we see the Apostles as they truly were – confused, foolish and sometimes weak. The Gospel writers deliberately avoid any cover up because they want us to see the transformation that God brings about in their lives.


Jesus knew he could safely found his Church on Peter, the rock, because he could see great potential in him.


We too are flawed, are subject to human weakness. But we can be transformed (you know this). Like Peter if we recognise our faults and repent we are assured of God’s forgiveness and of God’s power in our lives.


Never be afraid to stand up for your faith in Christ, the Son of the living God.


May the God of all good things bless you today and forever.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

A pastor fell out with his church community. After bitter arguments, he was forced to leave and took up a job as a prison chaplain. He preached his last sermon at the church on John 14:1. ‘I go to prepare a place for you.’